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M.A. English

M.A. English


The course comprises the various Generes of Literature. It takes the students through the various ages, the Characteristics of each age, the important writers, their critical approach towards Literature. the course was also offers very interresting electives, Film Studies, Copy editing and English for Careers. In keeping with the present Scenario gives importance to Linguistics and English Language teaching, which facilitates LSRW skills.

About the Department

The MA English Literature was startrd in the year 2013 with a few takers from the year 2014 the students developed avid interest by looking at the syllabus. The strength increased rapidly to 29. The Department brought a Magazine "IMPRINTS 2015 and 2016" , which comprises of Poems, Articles bu Staff and Students. The Department frequently make the Students to particioate in the Inter and Intra College competitions and makes them to bring laurels to the Department.

Association Activities

The Department of English held the inauguration of the Literary Club ‘Zenlitt’ on 30th September, 2014 in the College premises. Dr. V. Ganesan, Associate Professor, Department of English, AM Jain College, inaugurated the Literary Club and delivered the Lecture on “Post-Colonial Literature in English”. The Department took great interest in the inauguration of the Book Club. Dr. V. Meena Kumari, Associate Professor, Department of English, Anna Adarsh College For Women, inaugurated the Book Club and delivered a Lecture on ‘Journalism’, which was held in the month of February, 2015.

On 2nd, September, 2015, Mr. Sundar Ganesh, Director, Roja Muthiah Library, inaugurated the Club and delivered a Lecture on ‘Significance of Books’.


I Year / I Semester Major - I Poetry - I 4
- Major - II Drama - I 4
- Major - III Fiction - I 4
- Major - IV Indian Writing in English 4
- Elective - I Classics in Translation 3
- Soft Skills Essentials of Language and Communication skills -
I Year / II Semester Major - V American LIterature 4
- Major - VI Poetry - II 4
- Major - VII Drama - II 4
- Major - VIII Fiction - II 4
- Elective - II English for Careers 3
- Soft Skills Essentials of Spoken and Presentation skills -
II Year / III Semester Major - IX Shakespeare Studies 4
- Major - X English Language and Linguistics 4
- Major - XI Literary Criticism and Literary theory 4
- Elective - III Literature Analysis Approaches and Applications 3
- Elective - IV Copy Editing 4
- Soft Skills Life and Managerial skills -
II Year / IV Semester Major - XII Twentieth Centuary Poetry 4
- Major - XIII Writings by and On Women 4
- Major - XIV General Essay 4
- Elective - V Film Studies 3
- Soft Skills Computing Skills -
- Dissertation Project -


Name: Mrs.U Preethi

Qualification: M.A., M.Phil., (Ph.D.)

Designation: Assistant Professor & Head

Area of Interest: Indian writing in English
& Immigrant Writers

Name: Mrs. N.Nisha Kumari

Qualification: M.A. M.Phil., NET, (Ph.D.)

Designation: Assistant Professor

Area of Interest: Indian Writing in English

Name: Mrs. S. Nithya Kalyani

Qualification: M.A., M.Phil.,

Designation: Assistant Professor

Area of Interest: Indian Writing in English

Name: Mrs. P D Sumathi

Qualification: MA, M.Phil NET

Designation: Assistant Professor

Area of Interest: Indian Writing in English

Name: Ms. Aswini B

Qualification: M.A., M.Phil., NET

Designation: Assistant Professor

Area of Interest: Dalit Literature, Feminist Writings, Gender Studies, Memory Studies, Indian Writing in English, Narratology and Theatre and Communication

Name: Mrs. B Lourdu Mirium Preethi

Qualification: M.A., NET

Designation: Assistant Professor

Area of Interest: African American Literature , Dalit Literature.

Name: Mrs. Mohana

Qualification: M.A., M.Phil., NET.

Designation: Assistant Professor

Area of Interest: American


R. Padmajavalli

March 2006 - Book Review on ‘FedEx Delivers’ - Best Books


R. Padmajavalli

January 2007 - Magazine Article -Globalization and its impact on outsourcing - Global CEO

June 2007- Book Review on Trump University Marketing 101- How to use the Most Powerful Ideas in Marketing to get more Customers - Marketing Mastermind, ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad


R.Padmajavalli,C.P.Sumathi and T.Santhanam

2010 - Automatic Recommendation of Web Pages in Web Usage Mining - International Journal’ on Computer science and Engineering, 2(9); pg 3046-3052 - ISSN: 0975-3397

2010 - An Application of Session Based Clustering to Analyze web Pages of User Interest From Web Log Files , 2010 ISSN 1549-3636. - Journal of Computer science’, 6(7); pg 785-793 - ISSN 1549-3636.


R.Padmajavalli,C.P.Sumathi and T.Santhanam - 2011 - An Overview of Preprocessing of Web Log Files for Web Usage Mining - Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 34(2) - ISSN:1992-8645.

R.Padmajavalli,C.P.Sumathi and T.Santhanam - 2011 - Evaluation of Recommended Web Pages Obtained Using a Novel Approach - European Journal of Scientific Research - ISSN:1450-216X.

R.Ramya,V.Vidya Priya- 2013 - Fangled Greedy Approach for Protein Pattern Matching - International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research - ISSN:2229-5518


R. Padmajavalli

December 2006 - Presented a paper in IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM) - An Overview of Data Preprocessing in Data and Web Usage Mining - Christ College, Bangalore - 1-4244-0682-X


R. Padmajavalli

February 2010 - Presented a paper in the International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science (ICMS 2010) - Survey of Clustering Algorithms Applied in Web Usage Mining - Loyola College, Chennai - 978-81-908234-2-5

Academic Year : 2012-2013

J.Lakshmi - March 2012 - Presented a paper in the National Conference - Cyber Security - Bhaktavatsalam Memorial College for Women, Chennai - 978-93-81430-42-2

J.Chitra - Feb 2012 - National seminar on contemporary progress in CyberSpace - Paper presented on Voice Morphing - Fathima College Madurai

J.Lakshmi- March 2013 - Presented a paper in the State Level Conference - MOBILE WIRELESS NETWORK ROUTING PROTOCOLS – A REVIEW - VALLIAMMAL COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, Chennai - 978-93-81430-95-8

Academic Year: 2015-2016

Ms.J.Lakshmi - 10 &11thMarch 2016 - International conference(IEEE) - “Design of Poisson Distribution Based Energy-Efficient Protocol(PB-EEP) in Wireless Sensor Networks" - Saveetha Engineering college

Ms.H.Selvi- 10& 11thmarch 2016 - International conference(IEEE) - "A review on Artificial Neural Network for detecting learning disabilities children” – Saveetha Engineering college

The laboratory experiences provide opportunities for students to interact directly with the material world using innovative instruments and technologies. The course mainly aims on an intensive introduction about the techniques of theoretical and experimental chemistry to the students. The chemistry lab is well equipped with latest version of instruments like digital conductivity meter, digital potentiometer, centrifuge machine, hot air oven, suction pump, Kipp’s apparatus, electronic and chemical balances, hot air oven and muffle furnace. The lab is highly ventilated and can accommodate 45 students. Students are given complete training on handling various apparatus and glasswares. Theoretical sessions are arranged for the students in preparing chemical solutions and handling of hazardous chemicals which will facilitate student’s research career in their higher studies. Students from other domains are also given hands on training in the chemistry lab as a part of interdisciplinary course offered by the institution.

Lab Technician

Name: Ms V. Rajeswari

Qualification: B.Sc., B.Ed

Designation: Lab Technician

Area of Interest: Technical

Academic Achievements

Name of the candidate: N.Ramya

Batch: 2013-15

Rank: VIII

Name of the candidate: C.Rajkumari

Batch: 2014-16


Workshops, Fdp & Seminars

S.NO. Name Of The Staff Month & Year Geographic Level Title Institution
1. Ms.R.Rita Poorani, Assistant Professor Mar, 2014 National level Sound Heed CTTE College for Women, Chennai
2. Ms.R.Rita Poorani, Assistant Professor Feb, 2015 National level One day Workshop National level One day Workshop CTTE College for Women, Chennai
3. Ms.P.Suganya, Assistant Professor Jan, 2014 National level Book Review Quaid-e-Millath College, Chennai