The M.Sc. Computer Science course is designed to equip the students with the knowledge and skills to develop innovative solutions which the modern computing industry requires. Master of Science in Computer Science is a two year program ideally aimed at training and churning out computer professionals. Importance is given by the faculty towards application-oriented subjects, covering various methodologies to develop software products efficiently by utilizing advance networking technologies and application software. The syllabus for the course is divided into four semesters.
As per Madras University rules and regulations the students must get minimum 50% of marks in any bachelor’s degree (B.Sc. Computer Science / B.C.A. / B.Sc. Maths / B.Sc. I.T.) are eligible for admission
2 years
Students acquire in-depth technical knowledge and practical programming skills in all disciplines of Computer Science and Information Technology. Project development and ability to understand and solve industrial problems are the main focus areas. M.Sc.(CS) students undergo 4-6 weeks internship during the summer vacation of the first year and submit a report in the beginning of the third semester. The report will be evaluated in third semester and the marks are forwarded to the university along with third semester internal assessment marks. This helps the students to meet the industrial demands and face the needs of industries. They also undergo soft skill courses like ‘Language and Communication’, Spoken and Presentation Skills that paves a way for good communication which is a very important needed skill in IT industries.
After successful completion of their course, the students of M.Sc(CS) can pursue their higher studies in research or they can endeavor for job opportunities. They are well-equipped to work as professionals in the fields of software development, design and implementation. The students can possibly work under these kinds of roles after their post-graduation in Computer Science.
The Post Graduate Department of Computer Science was started in the year 2015. This program offers courses which are designed for those who wish to obtain broad-based and leading-edge skills in Computer Science. The aim is to make its graduates better prepared for more challenging career paths.
The objective of the course is to create computer professionals with a strong foundation and advanced development skills required as per emerging trends in computer science and future needs of the society.
I Year / I Semester | Core -1 | Design And Analysis Of Algorithms | 4 | - | Core - 2 | Advanced Java Programming | 4 | - | Core -3 | Systems Software | 4 |
- | Core - 4 | Practical - I: Algorithms Lab | 2 |
- | Core -5 | Practical - II:Advanced Java | 2 |
- | Elective - I | Theoretical Foundations Of Computer Science | 4 |
- | Soft Skill - I | Language And Communication | 2 |
I Year – II Semester | Core - 6 | Computer Networks | 4 |
- | Core - 7 | Digital Image Processing | 4 |
- | Core - 8 | Practical - III : Rdbms Lab | 2 |
- | Core - 9 | Practical - IV :Image Processing Using Java | 2 |
- | Elective - 2 | Object Oriented Analysis And Design | 3 |
- | Softskill - 2 | SSpoken And Presentation Skills | 2 |
- | Softskill - 3 | LIFR And Managerial Skills | 2 |
- | Internship | 4 to 6 Weeks of Internship during summer vacation of I year | - |
II Year - III Semester | Core - 10 | Principles Of Compiler Design | 4 |
- | Core - 11 | Information Security | 4 |
- | Core - 12 | Artificial Intelligence | 4 |
- | Elective - II | Cryptography | 4 |
- | Elective - III | E - COMMERCE | 4 |
- | Core - 13 | Practical - V: Mini Project | 2 |
- | Elective - III | E - COMMERCE | 4 |
- | Soft Skill - 4 | Contemporary Awareness | 2 |
- | Internship | During Summer Vacation 4 to 6 weeks of I Year | 2 |
II Year - IV Semester | Core - 14 | Project & Viva - Voce | 20 |
Dr.E.S. Shameem Sulthana
12 Aug 2015 - International Conference International Conference - Rathinam college of Arts and science.
S.NO. | Author | Month & Year of Publication | Title of the Research Article/Book/Book Review/ Magazine Article | Name of the publication | ISSN |
1. | Dr. R. Padmajavalli | December 2015 | Text Categorization of Multi-Label Documents for Text Mining | International Journal of Computing Algorithm | 2229-3922 |
2. | - | February 2015 | International Conference | Prediction - A Powerful Tool in Data Mining: A Review | - |
3. | - | January 2015 | International Conference | Text Mining with Information Extraction and Content Extraction from Unstructured data | 0973-4562 |
4. | - | September 2014 | - | A Brief Overview of Text Data Mining | - |
5. | - | December 2011 | An Overview of Preprocessing of Web Log Files for Web Usage Mining | International Journal of Theoritical and Applied Information Technology | - |
6. | Dr.E.S.Shameem Sulthana | 2014 | SIFT feature extraction combining face and finger knuckle recognition process | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology Citation Index: SCOPUS, ANNXURE – II, Anna University | pp. 460 – 468. |
7. | - | 2014 | Implementation and Evaluation of SIFT Descriptors based Finger- Knuckle-Print Authentication | International Indian Journal of Science and Technology(Citation Index: SCOPUS) (Index Copernicus value = 5.02). | pp. 374 – 382 |
9. | - | 2019 | Evidence Based Access Control over Web Services Using Multi Security | International Journal of Computer Applications, ISSN 0975 – 8887 | pp. 54 - 58 |
10. | - | 2019 | Security Over Web Services Using Evidence Based Access Control | CiiT International Journal of Software Engineering and Technology | pp. 147 – 150 |
11. | - | 2019 | Fuzzy Hybrid Filters for Mixed Noise Removal in Color Images | Journal on Engineering and Technology | pp. 63 – 68 |
12. | Dr. M.Vasantha | 2019 | Medical Image Feature, Extraction, Selection And Classification | International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology | 2071-2076 |
13. | - | 2011 | Evaluation of Attribute Selection Methods with Tree based Supervised Classification- A Case Study with Mammogram Images | International Journal of Computer Applications | - |
14. | - | 2011 | Classification of Mammogram Images using hybrid features | European Journal of Scientific Research | - |
15. | - | 2011 | Automatic Detection of Masses in Digital Mammograms- A Novel Approach | International conference on Information ,Communication and Embedded Systems | - |
S.NO. | Name Of The Staff | Month & Year | Geographic Level | Title | Institution |
1. | Dr.R.Padmajavalli | 25th Feb 2016 | Work shop | “Intellectual property Right awareness & IT sector” | Bhaktavatsalam Memorial college for women |
2. | Dr. E.S Shameem Sulthana | 25th Feb 2016 | Work Shop | “Intellectual property Right awareness & IT sector” | Bhaktavatsalam Memeorial College For women |
3. | Dr.E.S. Shameem Sulthana | 22nd Jan 2016 | Work shop | “Cyber Crime” | Soka ikeda College of arts and science for women |
4. | Dr. E.S. Shameem Sulthana | 21st sep 2015 | Work shop | “ Modern Software Development Methodologies” | SRM University |
Qualification: BCA
Designation: Lab Instructor
Area of Interest: Technical
Academic proficiency prizes are awarded to students who top the subject papers, in each semester. Over all topper prize is bagged by the student who has the highest percentage in the department, during her period of study.List of Overall Toppers
Batch: Sem I
Batch: Sem II
An Intra-Department activity for students, jointly organized by the departments of UG Computer Science, Information Systems & Management and PG Information Technology was conducted through online from 15th of May 2020 to 18th of May 2020. Various events like online quiz, e-poster, Just a minute were some of the highlights in the activity during the lockdown.